viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Distributed Load Testing: Conclussions (5/5)

Let's recap what we have done in these series and try to get some conclusions.   The steps or achievements are these ones:
  1. Find and test a distributed load testing tool in python: locust.
  2. Extend locust for custom (non-HTTP) protocol testing.
  3. Use Instant Servers to run the locust master and slaves.
  4. Implement a simple way to autostop the machines when they are not being used based on the locust logs and instant servers stop API.
  5. Create a template for the slaves to be easily cloned.   Use instant servers tags to define groups.
  6. Fix the python Instant Server SDK and extend it with new authentication and clone features.
  7. Extend locust interface adding a button to spawn machines in instant servers directly from the locust web interface.
Today I like even more python and the testing tools based in scripting instead of complex UIs.  This project gave me the oportunity to discover locust and Instant Servers and highly recommend people to use them for this kind of use case, it was very easy and a lot of fun using and combining those technologies.  Hopefully I can get more time for deeper integration of virtual machines in locust (with a good control UI and perhaps support for other providers).

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